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Looking for temporary access to Slingboxes

Last post 09-20-2011, 6:34 PM by ScottBrown717. 0 replies.
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  •  09-20-2011, 6:34 PM 6813

    Looking for temporary access to Slingboxes

    With my house falling victim to flooding and my Slingboxes being relocated for the time being, I would like to have temporary access to at least one or perhaps a couple of Slingbox Setups from the USA. Although I'd prefer HD setups, I can also accept offers for some Standard-Def setups. It doesn't really matter.

    Speed must be around 2000kbps or higher with an upload speed of 5mb or above. I definitely will not any offers for a Slingbox that's around, say 750kbps.

    Also, I'm looking for a couple of people that have NFL Sunday Ticket (for NY Jets Games), MLB Extra Innings (for Pittsburgh Pirates games), and NHL Center Ice (for Pittsburgh Penguins games).

    If anybody can help, please don't hesitate to email me or send me a PM.

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