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Re: Need a slingbox host in the USA

  •  12-18-2008, 3:25 PM

    Re: Need a slingbox host in the USA

    If you or anyone else is still looking, I would be happy to host for you.  I have been hosting for others for several years now, (refrences available) and would be happy to provide for you.  We can do it anyway you want...  You can have your own sling box, that only you control, or you can share with another.  Of course if you share, I cannot gaurantee availability.  If you want your own, I do ask for the cost of the sling-box up front.  I will acquire and set up.

    I need only a couple of days to set up.  (Buy the sling box, go to cable co and get DVR, etc.)

    Price:  Up front cost of the price of the sling box, plus first and last month "rent" of $75.  This includes the DVR, enhanced service including HBO, Cinimax, Stars, and some other channels I don't even know, and whatever HD channels my cable provider offers.  If you want anything special (IE NBA League Pass, or NHL Center Ice, or something else,) I will provide, but you must pay for the service upgrade.  Here is the channel line-up:  http://omaha.cox.net/cci/tvlistings

    Paypal would be an excellent payment vehicle.  I can just invoice you monthly via PayPal.



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