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USA Time Warner Cable HD DVR Pro-HD Slingbox for UK Sky+HD Pro-HD Slingbox

  •  04-06-2011, 5:13 AM

    USA Time Warner Cable HD DVR Pro-HD Slingbox for UK Sky+HD Pro-HD Slingbox


    I have a Slingbox Pro-HD in Dallas Texas USA connected to a Time Warner Cable HD-DVR box.
    I have a 35Mbps symetrical internet connection for HQ HD.

    I'm looking to trade access for a UK Pro-HD Slingbox with a Sky+HD subscription with the following packages:
    Sky Sports (a must for footie!)
    News & Events
    MUTV and/or ESPN would be a nice bonus.

    To view my channel line-up, click the link below and use 75006 for the zip code:

    It's easier to tell you the channels I DO NOT sub to:
    340-342 International channels
    500-576 Movie channels
    810-848 HD Movie channels
    900-982 Pay-per-View, Sports Season Tickets, and Adult

    PPV, Adult, Movie channels, and OnDemand channels will be locked to prevent ordering.
    If things go well with our Slingbox trade, I could unlock the free OnDemand channels.

    If interested, please respond, PM, or email me at julesism at hotmail dot com

    Thanks in adv,
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