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Important advice for everyone involved in Slingbox exchange

  •  12-12-2011, 8:36 PM

    Important advice for everyone involved in Slingbox exchange

    Guys, be careful. When exchanging Slingboxes, always make sure the person you are exchanging with is the real owner of the Slingbox or at least has permission of the owner to offer his Slingbox for exchange.

    Especially if you are looking for rent, never accept offer from anyone who is suspicious.

    Here are some ways to ensure you are dealing with someone honest:

    - Talk to them on MSN/ICQ/Skype, don't use just emails and private messages and ask them some question only the Slingbox owner would know (like cable area zip code, their ISP, exact channel lineup)

    - Notice the language they speak. In case of exchange when you are offering let's say Spanish TV to them, they should know Spanish! If you are renting USA or UK based Slingbox, the person who you pay should speak perfect English.

    - Ask them to make some quick change on the Slingbox that mostly just the real owner can do, like changing the admin password or changing a channel on the cable box while you are connected to the Slingbox so that you can see the channel being changed

    - You should never accept any other method of payment than PayPal

    Hope this helps
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