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  • Need 24 Hour Service, may become permanent..

    need ESPN HD for tomorrow to be able to watch the NASCAR cup race. It is being blacked out in my area because of the olympics and pga tour. I will also be using the service as a test to see if it will work for me and may become a permanent subscriber it I like it. Can anyone out there help me?
    Posted to Slingbox Hosts (Forum) by lcann251 on August 12, 2012
  • Just need NASCAR

    I am looking for a minimal subscription, I don't really watch the networks, but I am a NASCAR fan, so I need the HD Sports Tier. ESPN 1 and 2, and Speed HD, Willing to pay $50-$70 per month. Anyone got anything available?
    Posted to Slingbox Hosts (Forum) by lcann251 on April 7, 2012