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  • Jason Conwill and Janna Janne - Australian Slingbox account

    If any of your received login and password details for an Australian Slingbox from these two - it is MY slingbox you are using - not theirs! Password will change soon. Beware trading with these guys. I'm sure they will resurface somewhere else. This guy likes to adopt a persona where he keeps saying ''dear'' and ''darling'' and ''my friend''. ...
    Posted to Slingbox Hosts (Forum) by aussie sling on November 22, 2012
  • Aussie Sling

    Hi,If you have dealt with me in the past and cannot get me on my previous email address, my email address has changed to aussieslingatgmaildotcom with the @ and . replaced.
    Posted to Slingbox Hosts (Forum) by aussie sling on November 22, 2012