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Slingbox HD Streaming trade Germany/USA

Last post 11-15-2011, 3:32 AM by jcajigal. 1 replies.
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  •  01-20-2011, 9:05 PM 5873

    Slingbox HD Streaming trade Germany/USA

    Hi I have a sling box Pro hd and have German Kabel. I'm looking for an exclusive trade for the USA. Preceded cities new York, Miami or San francisco.
    If you intressted send me an message.
  •  11-15-2011, 3:32 AM 6936 in reply to 5873

    Re: Slingbox HD Streaming trade Germany/USA

    Hi I am looking for german tv and this is perfect.

    I am from NYC and would like to trade.  I also have slingbox hd pro, all set up, mine comes with all new york channels including movie channels I work for the cable company so i do have all channels available and on demand movies.  DVR recording and HD. 

    Now do you have DVR on your german kabel.  and do you have a channel line up.  This is for my wife who is from north rhine westphelia.




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