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directtv satellite Slingbox

Last post 11-18-2011, 12:06 AM by airforce. 8 replies.
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  •  03-14-2011, 2:49 PM 6106

    directtv satellite Slingbox

    slingbox from us with directtv, local and premium channels.

    ask about price.
  •  03-18-2011, 9:17 PM 6129 in reply to 6106

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    What is the price?
  •  03-23-2011, 3:09 AM 6149 in reply to 6129

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    Folks, please take it from me. Stay away from this loser, Because he is a real pathetic jerk. He's just trying to rip people off and he's stealing other people's slingbox feeds, some of which have very low speeds. This lowlife also sent me very harassing messages too when I decided not to take part in his services. He needs to be put in jail for a very, very long time!!

    Folks, if you are planning to use this guy's Slingbox Ripoff Service, I highly recommend that you choose another provider, like SlingboxNYC for example. I've used his services in the past and he does'nt rip people off like this creep does.
  •  05-04-2011, 10:38 AM 6359 in reply to 6149

    • CARLOSSLING is not online. Last active: 10-31-2011, 7:00 PM CARLOSSLING
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    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    he a theft he took my money but paypal catch him so quick don't trust this person theft need to be put in jail
  •  05-06-2011, 7:24 AM 6367 in reply to 6106

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    still available.
  •  05-12-2011, 6:37 AM 6390 in reply to 6367

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    Who cares about your services, supercreep. You're just nothing more than a ripoff artist.

    Get a life and shut your mouth.
  •  05-16-2011, 7:41 PM 6435 in reply to 6390

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    oh shutup, you're talking ***.
  •  05-19-2011, 7:48 AM 6451 in reply to 6390

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    If you interested in watching US TV, sports and the UK Premier league please visit http://www.liveamerican.tv/
  •  11-18-2011, 12:06 AM 6971 in reply to 6106

    Re: directtv satellite Slingbox

    hello superboy,

    I will be interested

    it is possible to have more information on your TV package and the price?

    Is That Possible to Have a demo?

    thank you
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