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Looking for Vietnam Slingbox/Vulkano host, or hosting in Asia for sat Vinasat 1 at 136E

Last post 04-10-2012, 5:01 AM by dtsexpert. 1 replies.
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  •  04-03-2012, 8:04 AM 7663

    Looking for Vietnam Slingbox/Vulkano host, or hosting in Asia for sat Vinasat 1 at 136E

    I am looking for a Slingbox/Vulkano host in Vietnam. Or if you live in Asia countries where you are in the ku footprint of the satellite Vinasat 1 at 136E, please let me know.
    In short, I am looking for getting Vietnam package from Vietnam either via cable or satellite.
    If you are in Vietnam, that's great.
    Even if you are not in Vietnam but can get ku signal from Vinasat1, it works as well since I can get a satellite box.
    Please contact if you can do.
  •  04-10-2012, 5:01 AM 7721 in reply to 7663

    Re: Looking for Vietnam Slingbox/Vulkano host, or hosting in Asia for sat Vinasat 1 at 132E

    Make correction on Vinasat, it's at 132E. Would anyone in Asia that can get signal from this sat helps me out hosting a Vulkano or Sling?
    This is for my parents, the are pretty much homesick living abroad.
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